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Dil Se - 2
Dear Friends, Please come & support us for our Annual fund raising event Dil Se 2 on Saturday 10/7/17 at Mechanics Hall in Worcester, MA. Tickets are $35 per person which includes appetizer and there is no charge for kids under 12. Kids will have a special babysitting services.You have seen our work and know what we do. Please join us in helping those in need. It would mean a lot to Vinay & I to see you there so we personally invite you. Thank you to all of you and God Bless! To purchase tickets click on the below link or mail us a check We Care Charity 16 Deerfield St Salem, NH 03079 http://www.wecarecharity.org/dil_se_2_tickets.aspx

Date: 10/07/2017
Location: Mechanics Hall Worcester, MA
Time: 4pm

Organized By: We Care Charity

Cost: $35

Contact: Shefali Kalyani 603-560-1471

Web: www.wecarecharity.org
Email: shefalikalyani@gmail.com

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