Financial Planning: A Neccessity
Kanan 01/01/2015
The Have And Have Not Of Group Disability Insurance If you are one of the lucky workers covered by an employer sponsored Group Long Term Disability Income (LTD) insurance policy, you are more fortunate than most. Even if you are covered, it is extremely important to make sure you are adequately protected.[more]
Balancing Your Business And Retirement Goals It’s a day most business owners both dream about and dread: retirement. To get to this major milestone, you’ve put in long hours. Sacrificed time with family and friends along the way. Dealt with customers who don’t pay and vendors who don’t deliver. Transitioning out of the business and into the next exciting phase of your life should be the easy part, right? Not always.
What You Need To Know About IRAs With higher tax rates expected in the near future, converting all or part of a Traditional IRA to a Roth can provide significant income tax and estate tax savings over time, especially for high income taxpayers. However, there are many factors to consider prior to converting. [more]
In Retirement, Plan To Make Your Money Last Some people have a clear idea of how they want to live once they stop working. For many others, however, retirement is a step into the great unknown. The problem is, without a roadmap for turning your savings into a sustainable stream of income, it’s difficult to create the type of lifestyle you want for the future. So practice retirement, match your expenses and income, decide which account type to tap first, protect your savings, and fine tune along the way.[more]
Cashing Out Without Selling Out: The Human Dimensions Of Exiting A Business Of all the things an entrepreneur thinks about, exiting the business isn’t usually top of the list. Yet without a formal succession or transition plan, a closely held business risks not only its longevity, but also its bottom line. That’s because a lot can happen along the way that can trigger a need to hand over the business before an owner may be ready to do so.
Planning For Your Child With Special Needs One of the most challenging issues facing parents of a child with special needs is planning for their child’s future without them. Financial planning for families with a child with special needs often requires the development of a plan that honors the future needs of their loved one.[more]
Will Your Finances Be Ready For College When Your Child Is? A 529 Savings Plan Can Help A college education is one of the most important investments you can make for a child or grandchild’s future. In fact, studies suggest that higher education may translate into significantly higher earning power over time. It’s no secret, though, that college is also expensive.
Stability For Challenging Times The Benefits Of Permanent Life Insurance In volatile economic times like the ones we’ve seen recently, it’s not surprising that people want something they can count on — a stable financial asset that will be there to help them meet important financial needs, no matter what. For many, that vehicle is permanent life insurance.[more]
Cashing Out Without Selling Out The Human Dimensions Of Exiting A Business Of all the things an entrepreneur thinks about, exiting the business isn’t usually top of the list. Yet without a formal succession or transition plan, a closely held business risks not only its longevity, but also its bottom line. [more]
Stability For Challenging Times The Benefits Of Permanent Life Insurance In volatile economic times like the ones we’ve seen recently, it’s not surprising that people want something they can count on — a stable financial asset that will be there to help them meet important financial needs, no matter what. For many, that vehicle is permanent life insurance.[more]
How To Prepare Financially For A Longer Life The right long-term care plan can provide you with options on how you receive the care you need and where. It gives you choices about how your final years are lived and where. And maybe, with such a plan can help reduce the fear of outliving your resources.
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