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A Constructive Challenge to the Political Class | Prof. Anand Kumar
India Against Corruption (IAC) and The Boston South Asia Center present
A Talk titled

A Constructive Challenge to the Political Class
Prof. Anand Kumar
Co-Founder and Executive Member of Aam Aadmi Party
(The Common People's Party), India Professor, Centre for the Study of Social Systems,
Jawaharlal Nehru Unversity (JNU), New Delhi, India

Where - Room 3-270 MIT
77 Mass. Ave Cambridge MA 02139
[Enter from main building]

When - Sun Apr 7 4:30-6:30PM

The increasing nepotism and corruptibility of the present-day political elite makes them uninspiring, while the lack of transparency and the opportunism of the older parties have also contributed to distancing them from the people. This is a major crisis of democracy and it has created space for the rise of new leaders with integrity and of party organizations with commitment beyond their vote bank.

Aam Admi Party (The Common People's Party), the new party in India, has the prospect of widening, deepening and strengthening the movement against corruption by “walking on two legs” – active citizenship-based multilayered initiatives for basic reforms and voter-oriented political organization for electoral intervention. Prof. Anand Kumar will address the ideas involved in creating this new political formation.

Facebook event - https://www.facebook.com/events/351136228324117/

The Aam Admi Party - http://aamaadmiparty.org/ IAC Boston - https://www.facebook.com/iacboston Boston South Asia Center - http://southasians.us/

**Free and Open to all**

Date: 04/07/2013
Location: Room 3-270 MIT 77 Mass. Ave Cambridge MA 02139 [Enter from main building] http://whereis.mit.edu/
Time: 4:30 pm

Organized By: IAC-Boston and South Asia Center

Cost: FREE

Contact: Umang Kumar umkumr@gmail.com "Arun Chaudhari"

Web: https://www.facebook.com/events/351136228324117/
Email: umkumar@gmail.com
Directions: http://whereis.mit.edu/?go=3

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