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IANH Executive Committee Elections
Biennial Elections to the IANH Executive Committee for 2012-2014 term on Saturday September 29: at 11 AM at Nashau Public Library Theater. For information about the positions and deadlines and other details, please read the IANH Elections Notice. If you are interested, please follow the instructions given in the notice carefully to send in the nominations. Only those who are paid members of IANH on August 29 will be eligible to nominate, be candidates and to vote in the elections. You can view your membership status in the Membership Block at the bottom of the eNewsletter. You are not currently a paid member unless the Membership Status reads,

Date: 09/29/2012
Location: Nashau Public Library Theater, Nashua, NH
Time: 11:00 am

Contact: 603-668-9028

Email: secretary@ianh.org

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