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How to Network Professionally Online with LinkedIn
Attend this workshop and learn how to use LinkedIn to network professionally and for business and meet like minded women. As Professionals, we are expected to stay up-to-date with innovative trends and branding, but this is often a challenge. Nancy Dube, Principal of Dube Consulting will provide us with insight on using social media to find quality candidates, customers, and leverage the connections you already have. Nancy has “Rock Solid Experience” as an HR Manager, Recruiter and Consultant encompassing a 25 year span. She has been using LinkedIn since 2003 and is noted as an expert on the subject. Nancy has been a featured speaker on this topic for groups including: the Worcester Chamber of Commerce, Marlborough Chamber of Commerce, and Center for Women and Enterprise. Q&A and networking after presentation. Prior Registration Required at: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/2745101673/eorg

Date: 02/19/2012
Location: 1900 W Park Dr #280 Westborough, MA 01581
Time: 3-5 p.m.

Organized By: Network for South Asian American Women Entrepreneurs and Professionals

Cost: $15 General Admission Free for NetSAW premium members

Web: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/2745101673/eorg
Email: info@netsaw.com

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