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Women Building Connections - The Yin Factor
Women Building Connections in Collaboration with Boston Women's Network Bring You: The Yin Factor'

Join us for an evening of networking with other women in business and hear an inspiring presentation by Betty Spence, Ph.D., President of National Association for Female Executives (NAFE).

6:30-7:00 Registration and Open Networking
7:00-7:45 Presentation and Q&A
7:45-9:00 Open Networking

About The Presentation: 'The Yin Factor'
In Chinese philosophy, yin is female and yang is male, two halves that create wholeness. Today as we are facing major global crises—economic, environmental, and political—it’s clear that the world needs more yin influence to regain balance. Fortunately, women are standing up all over the world, adding their voices and helping find workable solutions.

Key Takeaway Points For Our Participants
- Status of women as leaders
- Current efforts to increase women’s influence
- Confluence of women’s global initiatives
- How to make a difference

About Our Speaker:
Dr. Betty Spence is an author, speaker, coach, and expert on leadership and has served as president of the National Association for Female Executives since 2001. Dr. Spence offers corporate workshops focusing on breakthrough results for sales and executive teams. She created and chairs the NAFE Roundtable of America’s most senior corporate women, focused on increasing women leaders at major American companies, and she started the annual list of the 'NAFE Top Companies for Executive Women,' a benchmark for corporations on women’s advancement that emphasizes women in profit-and-loss (P&L) positions as the pipeline to top management.

Dr. Spence previously held the post of vice president of communications at Catalyst. While there, she wrote Be Your Own Mentor, advice from senior corporate leaders on propelling your own advancement published by Random House in 2001. She also oversaw the publication of two other Catalyst books, Creating Women’s Networks and Advancing Women in Business: Best Practices from the Corporate Leaders.

Date: 09/22/2011
Location: The Crowne Plaza, 320 Washington St, Newton, MA 02458
Time: 6:30 pm

Cost: $35

Web: http://wbcsept22.eventbrite.com/
Email: gita.joshi@gmail.com

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