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The Feediang The Needy Walk-A-Thon / IARI
The year 2010 became the landmark year when we started a walk-a-thon event. We are proud to announce that it culminated into a highly successful event and revenues from this community event came to the help of soup kitchens at the Federal Hill House and Crossroads. Our wish is to continue with this tradition of community service. The second annual WALK-A-THON is approaching quickly. The date is June 25th 2011, Saturday and the place is the Roger Williams Park. We cordially invite you- the parents, the children, the grandparents and the friends- to join us in big numbers in a walk/run event. While the particulars of this event are still being worked out, this is simply to inform you that the event is on with a great deal of enthusiasm.

We are hoping to raise $5000 through sponsorship money. In this regard, your support is of paramount importance and will be acknowledged in all our printed material. This also provides the businesses a platform to advertise their endeavors in a community-based program. The sponsorship money will also help us to defray the costs for T Shirts, snacks, park fees, carousel fees, stage and sound system.

Date: 06/25/2011
Location: Roger Williams Park
Time: 8:00 am

Web: http://www.indiari.org

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