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TiE Annual VC Outlook Dinner
TiE-Boston's Annual VC Outlook Dinner has become a tradition. Each year, a panel of distinguished Venture Capitalists discuss the outlook on venture investments for the year ahead. Entrepreneurs receive insights on not only which segments are vibrant, but also how to shape their business models for successful execution in our ever evolving context.

This year TiE-Boston's Annual VC Outlook Dinner event is scheduled for January 27, 2011. This dinner event attracts over 200 attendees and is a very high profile and successful event for us.

Date: 01/27/2011
Location: Burlington Marriott, One Burlington Mall Road, Burlington, MA
Time: 6:00 pm

Web: https://s08.123signup.com/servlet/SignUpMember?P=15219721911421747200&PG=1521972182300

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