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Is This My Billion $ Idea?
'Is this my Billion $ idea?' - Workshop on Ideation and Validity

Do you have an idea you believe will be the next big thing?

Do you have a solution in search of a problem? How do you know if an idea is worth pursuing?
Do you constantly come up with new ideas that you believe can form the seed of a new entrepreneurial venture?
If yes, this is the session for you!

In this exclusive TiE Launchpad session, hear Desh Deshpande, one of the world's most successful serial entrepreneurs, share insights on what it takes to cross the chasm into becoming an entrepreneur, based on the strength of an idea.

Come learn what it takes to identify and course-correct an initial idea. Get better equipped on your target market and advance your entrepreneurial adventure towards success.

Date: 07/13/2010
Location: TiE-Boston Office
76 Blanchard Road
Suite Number: 203
Burlington, MA
Time: 6:00 pm

Web: https://www.123signup.com/servlet/SignUpMember?PG=1521972182300&P=1521972191150096100

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