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Navaladi brothers concert‏
MORNING RAAGAS ON SAROD BY Sashank Navaladi He is considered a young prodigy. A disciple of Shri Danish Aslam Khan of Ajrara gharana who is a senior disciple of Ustad Amjad Ali Khan. Sashank has been awarded the Kala Bhushan by Nehru Bal Samiti for his excellence in Sarod at the Russian Cultural Center in January 2009. He was selected in the top three musician category of the Pogo Amazing Kids Award reality TV show from among thousands of competitors from all over India. Sashank has also completed recording for his debut album featuring Indian and Western classical instruments, soon to be released in Delhi. Accompanying Him on Tabla will be his brother Akshay Navaladi Akshay commenced his music lessons at the age of 6 years. He is currently a disciple of Ustaad Akram Khan of Delhi/Ajrada gharana. Akshay has won many awards and has performed on Indian television. Akshay has been giving performances with both Hindustani and Carnatic music artists for the last several years in India and abroad. He was featured in the Young Achievers column of the The Hindu newspaper in India. Akshay is a student at Boston University where he is pursuing his B.S. in Biomedical Engineering.

Date: 05/01/2010
Location: Vedanta Society of Providence. 227 Angell St. Providence, RI 02906 227 Angell St. Providence
Cost: All Are Welcome. No Entry Fee: Donations Welcome

Contact: Ph 401-421-3960

Web: www.vedantaprov.org

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