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Kissing Cousins
Come join us at MIT on Wednesday, 22nd October for the screening of this much acclaimed comedy movie.

AMIR, 29, is a heartbreaker. Literally. As a relationship termination specialist, providing dumping services for disgruntled daters, Amir spends his days delivering bad news to unsuspecting lovers across Los Angeles and retrieving his clients belongings (underwear, CDs, photos, etc). Though Amir claims he is just the messenger, the job has made him hard-hearted and, as a result, he is the last bachelor in his group of friends. This becomes crystal clear on his 30th birthday, when his friend TUCKER tells Amir he can no longer be the Best Man at his upcoming wedding because he and his bride TINA want someone with better relationship karma.

When Amir returns to his Bay area home for Thanksgiving, he is reunited with ZARA, his charming and beautiful cousin from Britain who he has not seen in twenty years. The two cousins do not get along right away as Zara is still upset that Amir kissed her during a play wedding when they were children. With the prompting of Amir's parents, Zara hitches a ride with Amir back to LA, only planning to stay a few days. Along the way, Amir tells her about his friends and their bachelorism and she is sympathetic. When she meets them, she surprises everyone, including Amir, by introducing herself as his girlfriend. Before long the scam is in full swing as Amir and Zara go on couples outings with his friends. She even shows him how to be more sympathetic to his breakup victims. Over time Amir starts to soften from Zara's influence and perhaps even begins to develop... feelings?

An undercurrent of sexual tension develops between them as the charade comes dangerously close to going too far. Will his friends find out the truth? Will Amir fall for his own cousin?! Or will he become one of his own victims?

Date: 10/22/2008
Location: MIT Building 26, Room 100
Time: 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm

Cost: Members - $8
Non-Members -$10

Web: http://www.netsapboston.org/events/2008/kissingcousins2008.html

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