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LearnQuest Music Conference 2008

LQ: One weekend day (Apr 12) - Premium - $90.00
LQ: One weekend day (Apr 12) - General - $60.00
LQ: One weekend day (Apr 12) - Student or Senior - $40.00
LQ: One weekday (Apr 10 or 11) - Premium - $30.00
LQ: One weekday (Apr 10 or 11) - General - $25.00
LQ: One weekday (Apr 10 or 11) - Student or Senior - $20.00

For tickets for Sunday, April 13th, email at conference2008@learnquest.org Tickets will be alloted on first-come-first-serve basis.

A five-day classical music conference featuring a rare gathering of established masters and emerging names in Indian Classical Music.

Date: 04/10/2008
Location: 4/9 - MFA, Boston
4/10 - Stata Center, MIT
4/11-4/13 McDewitt School, Waltham
Time: 4/9-4/13

Contact: 781-891-8535

Email: conference2008@learnquest.org

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