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2008 NH Education Bee Contests for Indian-American Children
IANH sponsors the NH regional contest designed by NSF. Public speaking Bee is scheduled for April 5, 2008.The NSF site is expected to be open for registration on 1st January 2008. All contest details are posted on NSF web site at www.northsouth.org We have cross registration arrangement with Massachussetts centers in case you want to register your child for a part of the contest in MA. Please contact Prithvi Kumar, at president@ianh.org if you need any assistance. This event is an opportunity for the community groups to be our partner in helping our young adults acquire good communication skills. Donations to sponsor events and prizes are welcome. Sponsorship to this activity helps to motivate children and build a competitive spirit.

Date: 04/05/2008
Location: Southern NH University, 2500 N.River Road Manchester, NH 03106
Time: 8.00 am

Organized By: IANH/NSF

Contact: Prithvi Kumar @ president@ianh.org

Web: www.northsouth.org
Email: president@ianh.org

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