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Hope And Despair A Story Of Survival Of Indian Tiger - A Talk
Ms. Gosain is a leading Lawyer in India who has been practicing in Supreme Court of India and Delhi High Court since 1978. She joined the Tiger Trust as Honorary Secretary in 1989 and has been involved in raising issues on environment and wildlife conservation. One of her greatest achievements was to convince the government to alter the census methodology for the animals in India. In recognition of her contributions she has been appointed as an observer by the Indian Supreme Court in the Ranthambhor National Park in Rajasthan. She is a visiting faculty for all top forest academies in India and in 2006 she was awarded by Ecotel Association of Hotels for her contribution towards the environment. Tiger Trust is a National Level Non-governmental Organization that was started in 1989 and works for Nature Conservation its programs awareness and education.Additionally, the trust has been involved in addressing the medical and social needs of communities surrounding these forests.

Date: 06/17/2007
Location: room 4-231, MIT 77 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge MA
Time: 2:00 pm

Cost: Free

Contact: archana at aidboston.org

Web: www.aidboston.org
Email: archana@aidboston.org
Directions: http://whereis. mit.edu/map- jpg?mapterms= 77+Massachusetts +Ave&mapsearch=go

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