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Sanskrit and Tamil: Two Languages - Two Grammars
Sanskrit and Tamil: Two Languages, Two Grammars Panini Ashtadhyayi and Tolkappiar Tolkappiam: This lecture will take us on a journey of these two ancient languages of India. It will trace the relationship between their respective grammars, which subsequently paved the way for a phenomenal development in human thought. The lecture will highlight the aesthetic delight that these two languages have brought over the millennia in the form of literature and poetry.

Date: 02/24/2007
Location: Room Number 4-237, MIT Cambridge, MA 02139
Time: 2:30 pm

Organized By: Meru Education Foundation

Cost: Free

Web: www.merufoundation.org
Email: vanita@merufoundation.org
Directions: http://whereis.mit.edu/map-jpg?section=directions

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