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SAJA lunch
The South Asian Journalists Association (SAJA) is a non-profit organization for journalists from or interested in South Asia.
SAJA Boston invites all working journalists and freelancers interested in SAJA to an informal meet-&-greet lunch.
Join us for some Indian food; learn about what South Asian Journalists in the area are working on., put faces to names, network a tiny bit, talk a bit of shop, make plans for the future, and enjoy some great food and company.
Sound good?
Here's the nitty gritty:
Date: Saturday, June 17
Time: 1PM
Where: Somewhere on the T with affordable parking. (Two suggestions: Namaskar in Davis Square and Bombay Club in Harvard Square.)
RSVP to: sajaboston@gmail.com Or call 617.230.1498
You must RSVP: We need a head count to get a reservation.
*All you have to bring is your appetite and your good ideas and cheer!*
We hope to you June 17 for lunch!

Date: 06/17/2006
Location: Namaskar Restaurant
Time: 1:00 pm

Organized By: SAJA

Contact: Chhavi sajaboston@gmail.com

Email: sajaboston@gmail.com
Directions: Elm Street, Somerville, MA near Davis Square red line station

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