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(Pre) Algebra Course - by ATFS Learning Center
Pre- Algebra : Operations with integers, concept of variables, terms and expressions, solving equations and inequations Builds: solid base for high school Algebra Time: Saturdays 11:00 - 1:00 p.m. Cost: $240.00 per month (4 sessions) setting: one on one Grades: gifted and talented - 6th, 7th graders Algebra : Solving equations and inequations, graphing equations and inequations, simultaneous equations, monomials, polynomials and factoring Builds: clear concepts in Algebra; foundations for SAT Time: Saturdays 11:00 - 1:00 p.m. Cost: $240.00 per month (4 sessions) setting: one on one Grades: gifted and talented - 7th, 8th graders

Date: 01/14/2006
Location: ATFS Learning Center 433 South Street Shrewsbury MA 01545
Time: 11:00 am

Cost: $240 for 4 sessions a month

Contact: Gauri Chandna 508 719 0014 508 719 0017

Web: http://www.atfsonline.com/working/maths.htm
Email: gauri@atfsonline.com

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