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Youth Conference 2005
For Youth from Grade K to College & Families

Topics Include: Actions and Consequences, Disciplined Living, Good vs. Bad Actions, Living Fearlessly, Karma and Dharma, Goal of Life, Sva-dharma, Destiny vs. Self-effort, Social Good vs. Individual Good, Desire – Root Cause of Rebirth, Reincarnation: Scientific Basis, Nishkama Karma-Yoga
Keynote Speakers: Pandit Gadadhar Das (Columbia University, NY)
Dr. Kumar Nochur (Chairman, Sri Lakshmi Temple, Ashland, MA)

Youth Panel Discussions, Youth Speaker Sessions, Invited Keynote Talks, Acharya Poojan (Honoring Teachers), Dance, Music, Drama Performances, Food, Youth Activities, and Much More..

Date: 10/01/2005
Location: MassBay Community College
50 Oakland St. Wellesley Hills, MA. 02481
Time: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Cost: Pre-register $5/person, Walk -in $8/person, Children under 5 Free

Contact: Mona Khaitan 781-239-2279

Make checks payable to:
VHPA, 84 Barbara Street. Lowell, MA 01854

Web: www.vhp-america.org
Email: youthconf05@hotmail.com

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