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Integrated Yoga - Promotion of Positive Health
URL: http://satsangcenter.net/YOGA.html Dates: Sat 7/23 & Sun 7/24 7 AM to noon, Sat 7/30 & Sun 7/31 7 AM to noon + 2 evenings 8 - 10 pm.
Practical Basic Training of 22 Hours : includes � 26 Asanas: (help make Muscles Relaxed, Toned & Strenghened), � Structured Pranayam (to energize the whole system), � OM & Cyclic Meditation (to improve mental Relaxation, improve the Quality & Quantity of Sleep & to impart Deeper Rest), � Kriyas (Cleansing Techniques) such as Neti (for helping reduce Nasal Allergy, Asthama & Cold), Trataka (to improve eye sights & Concentration), Vaman Dhauti (to help reduce Digestive Disorders), Shankha Prakhshalan (Basti - Clean Digestive Track), � Related Yoga Theories � Four Streams of YOGA (How to embrace YOGA in our daily life!). (Hours - credited towards Teachers Certification) BY: Trainers: Trainers: Niru & Sudhir are Certified by VYASA � Vivekananda Research Center, Banglore India and also trained in other Yoga Disciplines such as Brahmananda, Shivanada, Vinyasa, Kriya Yoga, Siddha Samadhi Yoga, Art of Living, Pranic Healing.

Date: 07/22/2005
Location: SATSANG Center
Time: 7:00 am - 12:00 pm

Cost: Contribution $100 plus $25 for Course Material

Contact: Chandrakant Shah 781-272-4591, Pappubhai Jhaveri 978-745-6794, Niru - Sudhir Parikh 603-623-1930 (nirusudhir@yahoo.com)

Web: www.satsangcenter.net
Email: nirusudhir@yahoo.com
Directions: www.satsangcenter.net

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