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Open House on Meditation
SAHAJ MARG MEDITATION An effective system of Raja yoga for modern life This heart-centered spiritual practice is founded on the principle that the Divine is all-pervasive and therefore pervades the heart of every person. Purifying the heart through meditation allows our true nature to shine through. Practicing this simple method brings the capacity for inner change, living a balanced life, and clarification of spiritual goals. Open house on Sunday, May 22, 2005 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. at Nashua Public Library 2,Court Street Nashua,NH 03060 No fees. Phone: 603-821-1083 Email: www.srcm.org

Date: 05/22/2005
Location: Nashua Public Library 2,Court Street Nashua,NH 03060
Time: 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Organized By: Sri Ram Chandra Mission

Cost: Free

Contact: 603-821-1083

Web: www.SRCM.ORG
Email: Jyot_ind@yahoo.com

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