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Healthy Living with Whole Food Supplements by Dr. Tony Lebro
By a process call Contact Reflex Anaylsis, also known as CRA, Dr. Tony uses the body's reflexes to accurately determine the root cause of a health problem. Simple and safe, the body's structural, physical, and nutritional needs are analyzed and deficiencies in any part of these areas that causes or contributes to various acute or chronic health problems are resolved.

Date: 05/21/2005
Location: Chinmaya Maruti, #1 Union Street, Andover, MA 01821
Time: 6:00 pm

Cost: Free and open to all

Contact: Shobha S. Ramapriya (978)663-5063

Web: http://www.chinmayamaruti.org
Email: sramapriya@yahoo.com

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