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2005 Symposia on Negotiation and Conflict Resolution - Asia
In partnership with Arcadia University, IIMCR conducts programs around the world to enhance the understanding and facilitate the resolution of violent conflict. Studying on location, participants interact with a renowned faculty through lectures, training exercises and simulations. The faculty is composed of scholars, negotiation and mediation experts, high-ranking diplomats, and conflict resolution practitioners, many of whom have participated in resolving some of the world's most intransigent conflicts.

The program runs from May 21 until June 18, 2005. Applicants who demonstrate a strong desire to effect positive change, have maintained a record of academic excellence, and have an interest in conflict resolution will be considered for admission. Applicants must also demonstrate an excellent command of the English language. Up to 100 applicants will be selected for admission. Students are typically between 20 and 30 years old. IIMCR seeks to ensure a diverse and multicultural student body.

Date: 05/21/2005
Location: Singapore
Time: 5/21-6/12

Cost: $4,500

Contact: 202-347-2042

Web: www.iimcr.org
Email: info@iimcr.org

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