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FAQ on Hinduism
· Why do we have so many gods?
· Does maaya mean our world is an illusion?
· Are we idol worshippers?
· What is the meaning behind our rituals?
· What is Brahman?
· Who wrote the Vedas?
· Does the theory of Karma deny us free will?
· What are the core principles of our religion?
· What is the meaning and power of OM?

If you have wondered about any of these questions, and are interested in learning the answers, we invite you to attend the first of a series of talks.

The basic ideas and principles of Hinduism will be presented in a clear and simple fashion that will help you to understand and appreciate our religion better. The talks are aimed at children, young adults, and parents – in other words, all of you who are curious about learning more about Hinduism!

Date: 09/26/2004
Location: Sri Lakshmi Temple, 117 Waverly St., Ashland
Time: 11:00 am

Email: nehtisec@yahoo.com

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