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The Laughing Doctor: Dr. Madan Kataria
Dr. Madan Kataria, the merry medicine man from India, the Guru of Giggling (London Times), now brings laughter club concept to the Boston and other cities in the United States of America. After grand success of his laughter workshops in Australia, UK, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Germany, Italy and Singapore, he will demonstrate his new yogic technique of Laughter therapy in Boston, on 24th and 25th September 2004. He will conduct 3 hours seminar on laughter yoga from 6pm to 9pm for general public on 24th and Workshop on laughter yoga therapy on 25th from 9am to 5 pm.

“The world is about to laugh as it has never laughed before,” according to Dr. Madan Kataria the Indian Physician who claims that his laughter exercise routine, which combines both yoga and laughter, not only improves health by reducing negative effects of stress but it might promote world peace. For the first time he has developed a new yogic technique of laughter workouts where anyone can participate in a group laughter everyday without taking help of jokes.
Each laughter session starts with deep breathing, Ho Ho Ha Ha exercise, followed by variety of stimulated laughter like hearty laughter, silent laughter, medium laughter, lion laughter, swinging laughter, one meter laughter, cocktail laughter and many others. After group laughter exercises one can lean to go deeper into “Laughter Meditation” where the laughter will come out spontaneously without any efforts. In a group, laughter club members will also learn how to bring unique self-development program called “Sprit of Laughter”
The author of “Laugh For No Reason,” he is the catalyst for more than 1300 laughter clubs in India, USA, Denmark, Switzerland, Germany and Australia. Thousands of people gathering to get daily dose of laughter exercises before they set of to the office or factory. His concept has been widely accepted all over the world and appeared in prestigious publication like National Geography, Wall Street Journal, Las Angels Times, Colours Magazine (Italy). It also flashed on BBC, CNN, NHK Japan Star TV, ABC, Channel (in Australia and many television networks in Europe.

Date: 09/25/2004
Location: Hotel@MIT, Cambridge, MA
Time: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Contact: Thomas Varkey 781.483.3325

Web: www.laughterforlife.org

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