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Anandache Dohi / NEMM
New England Marathi Mandal presents “Anandache Dohi”, an evening dedicated to culture and traditions that define Maharashtra. Maharashtra is the land of the blessed. Folk music runs through the very heart of the state, be it the simple ballads of BahiNabai or the devotional tunes of the saints like Tukaram and Namdev. Forests and forts sing eulogies to warriors like Shivaji – while every villager identifies himself with the “thaskaa” of a lavaNi. Festivals like GokuLashtami, the traditional dances of the fishing folk, the renowned Marathi Theater… the cultural images of this great state are diverse and plenty. So come with us on a mesmerizing trip through Maharashtra, with about 70 of our local artists who have put together this evening of marathi folk music, dance and drama
2:45PM: Aarti and Darshan**
4:00PM: "Anandache Dohi"
7:00PM: Dinner

Date: 09/25/2004
Location: Billerica Memorial High School, MA
Time: 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Cost: Tickets: $ 10 for Members, $15 for non-members and $7 for students

Web: www.nemm.org

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