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Sri Lakshmi Vaibhavam --Discourse in English
Dear Devotees of New England area, We have Sri Velukkudi V. Krishnan swami from chennai in the Boston Area from May 31 to June 6 2004. Swami is scheduled to give a series of Lectures in lucid English. Swami will be giving lectues at Sri Lakshmi Temple Ashland from May 31 through June 4 and will be giving lectures at Sri Maruhi Center, Andover, MA. For complete details, please visit www.vedics.net ================================================= Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swamy One of the most famous and foremost scholars of Indian philosophy today, Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swamy comes from an exalted lineage of scholars of Sri Ramanuja’s school of Vedanta (Sri Vaishnava tradition). Sri Velukkudi Swamy’s Vedic/upanishadic insight and knowledge of Divya Prabandham (Tamil Vedas) have become a well-spring of spirituality utilized to bring the masses closer to the Divine. He has been giving discourses in English and Tamil, covering Bhagavad-Gita, Divya prabandham of Alwars, Sri Ramayana, Srimad Bhagavatam, Vishnu Sahasranamam, Vedas and Upanishads. His consummate mastery of Sanskrit, English and Tamil has made him one of the most sought after speakers in India today, and he has been widely featured on both Radio and Television in India. He has also traveled extensively to other parts of the world, including the US, Singapore, Middle East and Malaysia. He is currently on a seven city, six-week tour of the USA, enlightening audiences on varied topics related to Indian philosophy and culture. ===========================================

Date: 05/31/2004
Location: Sri Lakshmi Temple, Ashland
Time: 7:00 pm

Organized By: VEDICS Foundation

Contact: Sundar Saranathan, (508)879-9254 or (508)397-8635(mobile)

Web: www.vedics,net
Email: sundar138@Yahoo.com
Directions: www.nehti.org

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