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Sant Pravah - A Unique Music Concert
A unique music program by well-known vocalists Smt. Vasudha Ravi and Smt. Savita Sreeram with accompaniments on the violin by Sri Pappu Gyandev, and on the mridangam by Sri. S.V. Ramani. The program will feature devotional compositions in various Indian languages and composed by various saints from across India. It will have all the elements of a classical concert, yet in a non-concert format! Hosted by the Hindu Temple of New Hampshire.

For tickets and more information:

Date: 04/27/2024
Location: Merrimack High School 38 McElwain St, Merrimack, NH, 03054
Time: 4:30 pm

Organized By: Hindu Temple of New Hampshire

Cost: Gold Ticket - $50 General Admission - $30 Kids (5-12 years) - $20

Food: Boxed dinner included in ticket price

Contact: Subbu (302) 229-3023 Sathappan (603) 305-4844 Vaishnavi (352) 213-1223 Venkat (508) 740-4127 Suja (603) 854-1302 Maitreyi (978) 727-6992 Balajiviswanathan (901) 457-8621

Web: https://paybee.io/quickpay.html?handle=htnh&ppid=23#optionList
Email: events@hindutemplenh.org

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