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Hindu Heritage Day 2024
Our theme this year is Maryada Purushottam.
Shri Ram epitomizes excellence in all aspects of humanity. He sets the reference in all areas for everyone to strive to reach, whether it is in relationships with family, leadership, unwavering commitment, respect for all including the mighty, the downtrodden and even one's adversaries, humility, and many other areas.
Central to the Heritage Day Celebration is the Cultural Program. Held in the school auditorium, you will enjoy performances by very talented artists young and old, showcasing classical, semi classical and folk music. There will be plays on some memorable events from Ramayan and there will be dances that will bring all the emotions of the great epic to light from BalKand to SundarKand.

Date: 05/04/2024
Location: Marlborough Middle School, Marlboro, MA
Time: 2:00 pm

Contact: Jaya Asthana, jasthana@hotmail.com 508-875-0432
Brij Garg, bgarg@ieee.org 603-560-5391
Kunju Kashalikar, kunjavihari@gmail.com 617-504-0798

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