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Godha/A Solo Dance Performance By Jothi Raghavan
Godha - popularly known as Andal was a saint poetess who has composed poems of such high merit that they are considered to be the essence of the great Veda scriptures . She is worshipped as an incarnation of Bhu Devi - the heavenly consort of God - Lord Narayana. Her father Vishnu Chitha was one of the *Alvars - saint poets of Vaishnavaite tradition and is known as Perialvar (great among *Alvar). Based entirely on Perialvar and Andal Pasurams ( verses) this production takes a fresh look at the story of Andal and how she wanted to be wedded to none other than Narayana.

Alvar means one who is immersed in the experience of God, the omnipresent mysterious One. Tradition speaks of 12 Alvars.Traveling from place to place, from temple to temple, they composed exceedingly beautiful poetry to their Divine Beloved, Vishnu/Narayana, as an expression of their love for Him. Their poems were at once both impassioned and philosophical, their words cut across all barriers of caste and class, attracting all to their faith. In doing so, they sculpted a new religious heritage of intensely emotional bhakti, or love of the Divine, whose impact is still felt today in the Indian religious life.

The music is composed by Rajkumar Bharathi and recorded in Chennai India

Jothi Raghavan is a dancer/ teacher/ Choreographer of Bharatha Natyam tradition of Indian Classical Dance. Jothi has performed all over the world in the leading cultural centers, Universities and museums. She has trained innumerable students in her school Nrityanjali in Massachusetts. Jothi has to her credit several choregraphed works which include full length productions and vignettes. She is the recipient of several awards including the prestigious Choreographers Fellowship from the National Endowment for the Arts.

Date: 06/06/2004
Location: Joseph Keefe Technical School Auditorium, Framingham, MA
Time: 5:30 pm

Cost: $25 and $15 ($15 Tickets discounted at $10 for students and senior citizens)

Contact: Jothi Raghavan 978.392.4677

Web: www.indianperformingarts.org

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