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Isha Kriya - Meditation for Beginners
Isha Kriya - A Guided meditation at Westford Library Sustain your health and happiness - MEDITATE! In this one-hour session you will learn Isha Kriya, a simple 12–18-minute practice, to help you become meditative effortlessly. Free & open to Ages 18+ Venue: Westford Public Library 50 Main Street Westford, MA Date & Time : Saturday May 20, 11 am to 12 Noon Daily practice of Isha Kriya offers: 1. Enhanced Clarity 2. Improved health 3. Heightened focus and energy 4. Greater prosperity and state of peacefulness and joy RSVP: www.innerengineering.com/free-yoga Walk-ins welcome

Date: 05/20/2023
Location: Westford Public Library 50 Main Street Westford, MA
Time: 11 am to 12 Noon

Organized By: Isha Yoga

Cost: FREE

Contact: RSVP at www.innerengineering.com/free-yoga Walk-ins welcome

Web: www.innerengineering.com/free-yoga

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