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Vision Aid: The Son of the Wind
Vision-Aid 2023 Annual Event (July 23rd, 2023)

Following in our tradition of hosting spectacular dance mega-productions for 15+ years, which have become a popular and familiar feature of New England summers, this year's show, "The Son of the Wind - the saga of Hanuman" is on Sunday July 23rd from 4 – 7:30 pm, in Littleton, MA. Our amazing dancers are already hard at work with early planning and practices. These shows have a gestation of around 9 months, with many creative dancers working diligently to forge an unforgettable show.

"The Son of the Wind – The saga of Hanuman", produced by renowned choreographer Shri Madurai R Muralidaran and assisted by Boston-area Artistic Directors Jeyanthi Ghatraju and Sripriya Natarajan Moorthy and several others. This is a magnificent production, and will be debuted for the first time, in Vision-Aid's annual event.

Date: 07/23/2023
Location: 56 King Street, Littleton, MA
Time: 4:00 pm

Web: www.visionaid.org

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