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300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, India
300 hour yoga teacher training course Intermediate Series for practitioners who already have a 200 hour certificate from a yoga school registered with Yoga Alliance USA. Applicants are required to already have basic familiarity with Hatha And Ashtanga yoga. If you are willing deepen your yoga practice, learn the art of teaching, and experience the ancient science of Yoga, this course is designed for you. Our 300 hour intermediate series yoga TTC includes the study and practice of Ashtanga Vinyasa intermediate Series, pranayama, meditation, kriyas, along with alignment and adjustment Workshop. 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training - Mantra Chanting. Cleansing techniques (Shat karma). Study of asana: proper alignment, variations, modifications with ability to minimize the risk of injuries and Hands-on adjustments. Art of sequencing and improvisation in the class. Intelligent use of props to help improve practice at its early stages. Postures with their Sanskrit Names and terminology. Technique and practice of breathing (Pranayama). Meditation (Dhyana). Fundamentals of human anatomy and physiology. Yoga Philosophy, Ideas and Hypothesis Confidence-building through teaching-practice WHAT DOES THE COURSE FEES INCLUDE ? » Daily nutritious vegetarian meals, detox juices and teas » Weekend excursions » yoga material ( books, yoga t-shirt, body cleansing kit, etc) » One the himalayas sightseeing trip » private accommodation $1550 USD Trip Advisor Arogya Yoga School : Arogya Yoga School Tripadvisor Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/arogyayogaschool/ Twitter : https://twitter.com/Arogyayogschool linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/arogyayoga-school-6a7939136 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/arogyayogaschool

Date: 02/08/2022
Location: Arogya Yoga School - Nirmal bag gali no 10 rishikesh india
Time: 6:00am

Organized By: Arogya Yoga Ashram

Cost: $300

Web: https://arogyayogaschool.com/300-hour-yoga-teacher-training-course-in-india.php
Email: arogyayogaashram@gmail.com

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