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Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh
Be a part of spiritual journey with our online yoga teacher training program specially designed for you. Based on hatha & ashtanga series will make you clear all aspects towards learning yoga and asanas. This is one of the most acceptable minimum standards set by an organization to teach Yoga in recent times. Credit goes to Yoga Alliance, USA for all the efforts made to bring an idea of regulation over learning and teaching Yoga by setting up the designations for Yoga Schools and Yoga professional's world over.

Date: 12/04/2020
Location: Rishikesh Yoga Club
Time: 5:00 am -5:00 pm

Organized By: Rishikesh Yoga Club

Cost: 1000

Contact: contact us Rishikesh Yoga Club Tappvan Resort, Near Lakshman Jhula, Tapovan Rishikesh (Uttrakhand) - India

Web: https://www.rishikeshyogaclub.com/
Email: rishikeshyogaclub1@gmail.com
Directions: Tappvan Resort, Near Lakshman Jhula, Tapovan

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