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Support Covid Relief Effort in India
A team of researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Brigham and Women’s Hospital has designed a system of splitting ventilation that addresses most pertinent safety concerns. The Individualized System for Augmenting Ventilator Efficacy (iSAVE) allows for personalized air volume and pressure to each patient through flow control valves. The iSAVE also incorporates filters to prevent cross-contamination between patients and pressure-release valves and alarms to alert clinicians if a patient’s air intake changes. The validation of this system in ventilating two subjects simultaneously was recently published in Science Translational Medicine (https://stm.sciencemag.org/content/12/549/eabb9401). The team has also created a website (i-save.mit.edu) with information on how to set up the system and where to obtain parts. Project Prana (projectprana.org) is a not-for-profit organization which grew out of the lab, with the mission of creating device-based and educational solutions to address the ventilator shortage worldwide. They are working to operationalize the iSAVE in various nations. Project Prana has recently partnered with IndVentr, an India-based consortium, to alleviate challenges due to the shortage in ventilation during the pandemic. IndVentr is made up of four startup companies, Ionic3DP, Sinergia Media Labs, Digital Core Technologies, and Aruvii, and aims to create innovative, frugal, and easy to manufacture emergency care ventilators for treating Covid-19 patients. Donations to support the development and distribution are welcome at: https://shareyourfortune.org/causes/others/others-2

Date: 10/20/2020
Location: Online
Time: 12:00

Organized By: Project Prana

Web: projectprana.org
Email: pranaforcovid@gmail.com

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