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Silicon Valley Innovation Center
Learn about Silicon Valley’s ecosystem and its role in accelerating the digital revolution. Get an introduction to the economic drivers and major players that fuel technological innovation and shape the future of the industries. Hear from thought leaders from SVIC, Institute For The Future, Flex and Google about the future of the automated world and who is most likely to win and to lose in the brave new digital world. The Role of Silicon Valley In Driving Digital Revolution Future Thinking And Automated World The Age of Intelligence From Search Engine to Disrupting 15+ Industries

Date: 10/05/2020
Location: 1850 Gateway Drive, Suite #150, San Mateo, 94404, CA, USA
Time: 9 am - 8 pm

Organized By: Silicon Valley Innovation Center

Cost: 10000$

Web: https://siliconvalley.center/education/standard-programs/digital-transformation/
Email: vl.kushneryk@svicenter.com

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