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Meditation Teacher Training India
Yoga Essence Rishikesh is a very good platform to De-stress, rejuvenate, and revitalize with the help of many classical and contemporary Meditation Teacher Training India and yoga. These meditation practices help to deepen your insights, awareness, stillness, support and make you in tune with life to live peacefully, joyfully, and harmoniously. Regular practice of meditation becomes light on your path and encourages you to follow your heart and inner voice to fully manifest your potentials. Yoga Essence Rishikesh Offer Meditation training India.

Date: 08/26/2020
Location: Yoga Essence Rishikesh, Rishikesh, Uttarakhand, India, 249192
Time: 06:00 AM

Organized By: Yoga Essence Rishikesh

Cost: 1750 USD

Contact: Email us: yogaessencerishikesh@gmail.com Call us: (+91) 7409349919 / (+91) 8954559984

Web: https://yogaessencerishikesh.com/meditation-teacher-training-india/
Email: yogaessencerishikesh@gmail.com
Directions: Yoga Essence Rishikesh Hotel Vishla Palace, Lower Tapovan (Behind Dewa Retreat), Rishikesh, Uttarakhand, India, 249192

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