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IIT Kharagpur Delegation Visit
A delegation from IIT Kharagpur including Professor Subrata Chattopadhaya, Dean Of Alumni Affairs will be coming to Boston in June. Please come and learn about the great progress that our alma-mater is making as well as about the future plans at the institute. Puran Dang will welcome the guests. Partha Ghosh will moderate an interactive discussion. So please come and share your ideas. It will also be a good time for all of us local KGPians to meet.

If you will be attending please email Bala Balasubramanian at pa.balas@gmail.com ASAP, to help us plan the event.

Date: 06/21/2019
Location: Masala Art, Needham, MA
Time: 6:00 pm - 9:30 pm

Email: pa.balas@gmail.com

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