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Complimentary SUNDAY YOGA in SATSANG Center

Come and enjoy Yoga every Sunday at SATSANG Center from 8:15 to 9:45am. Please be on time and bring your family and friends to be happy healthy and blissful.

Namste - Pankaj
Evolutionary Breathwork

Just as the impurities of metals, such as gold, silver, etc. are destroyed by heating them in fire, similarly, mental and physical diseases and other defects of the body, the mind, and the senses are burned by the fire of Pranayama, and their purity is achieved by the performance of breathing exercises. Just as vacuum cleaner removes all kinds of dirt from the house, so the suction machine of breathing exercises sucks up all defects from the body, senses, and mind, and removes them through expiration, perspiration, and other excretory channels

-Dr. Ramamurti S. Mishra, M.D. (Shri Brahmananda Sarasvati) http://www.anandaashram.org/

Date: 05/26/2019
Location: SATSANG Center One Pleasant street WOBURN MA 01801
Time: 8:15 AM

Organized By: SATSANG Center


Contact: Pankajben781-334-2968, Hansaben 617-965-9618, Sudhir 603-661-7101 / 603-623-1930

Web: satsangcenter.com
Email: satsangcenter1@gmail.com
Directions: Follow your GPS

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