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yoga retreat in bali
200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training India - Aims & Objective Our comprehensive course on yoga teacher training aims to acquaint students with the fundamentals of yoga philosophy. Master your asanas and intensify your practice with a 200 hour yoga teacher training course in Rishikesh. Learn more on the effects that these asanas have on the body by studying anatomy. Daily pranayama and meditation practice and mantra chanting will enrich your experience through their properties of balancing and strengthening. Feel the taste of yogic discipline, sattvic diet and “shatkarmas’’ or cleansing rituals. These have all been designed to expand your perception of yoga which is not only confined to asana practice . Become a competent and confident future yoga teacher.

Date: 05/22/2019
Location: Himalayan Yoga Association, Gulab Nagar, Tapovan, Rishikesh, Uttarakhand 249192
Time: 10 am

Organized By: himalayan yoga association

Cost: $800

Web: https://www.himalayanyogaashram.com/

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