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US Premiere of the Indian film SIR
Sponsored by the Consulate General of India and co-presented by Indian Americans of Lexington and NetSAP. Directed by Rohena Gera US premiere | India, France | 2018 | 99 min. | Hindi, English, Marathi with subtitles In order to escape the pitfalls of the old-fashioned village that condemned her as a young widow, a woman moves to Mumbai to become a servant for a privileged businessman, with dreams of becoming a fashion designer. Winner of the Gan Foundation Award for Distribution at the Cannes Film Festival. Preceded by an optional dinner reception from 6-7 PM at the theater featuring Indian cuisine catered by Spice Delight in Belmont. Tickets to the dinner must be purchased by Monday, April 22, no exceptions. Movie tickets are not included in the price of the dinner and must be purchased separately.

Date: 04/29/2019
Location: Studio Cinema 376 Trapelo Road Belmont, MA 02478
Time: 7:30 PM

Organized By: Belmont World Film

Cost: In advance online: $11 general admission, $9 students & seniors In person at the box office: $12 general admission, $10 seniors & students

Food: $30/person for optional Indian dinner catered by Spice Delight in Belmont.

Contact: info@belmontworldfilm.org or 617-484-3980.

Web: http://www.belmontworldfilm.org/calendar.html
Email: info@belmontworldfilm.org

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