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Music Appreciation with Anand Bhate
Anand Bhate, a rising star on the horizon of Indian Classical Music, is recognized as one of the top vocalists of the younger generation of the great Kirana tradition. Anand has been a disciple of the great classical vocalist, Bharat Ratna Pandit Bhimsen Joshi, doyen of the Kirana gharana. Anand has performed all over India and abroad in many prestigious music conferences like Sawai Gandharva Sangeet Mahotsav, Pandit Jitendra Abhisheki Sangeet Samaroha etc. Recipient of numerous awards, Anand has many published albums to his credit. He won the National Award for Best Playback Singer for the movie Balagandharva. He shows a remarkable versatility in being able to present a wide variety of music, right from the classical Khayal gayaki to the semi-classical exponents like Thumri, Natyageet and Bhajans/Abhagas. He has also performed in the famous musical play Sangeet Saubhadra the role of Krishna.

Date: 05/17/2019
Location: 6 Tewksbury Street, Lexington, MA 02421 (Godbole Residence)
Time: 8:00 pm

Cost: Free

Contact: Shrinivas Sane: 508-494-4160 or Milind Ranade: 409-201-7110

Web: www.shadaj.org
Email: shadajmusic@yahoo.com

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