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IIT AGNE Data Science Challenge
The IIT AGNE Data Science Challenge is an event with something for everyone from the lay person curious about data science to the accomplished data scientist. The event features two tracks: a Data Science Challenge and a Speaker Series consisting of the Expert Panel discussion on Data Science and a more in-depth Data Science Workshop. The competition participants will form the teams on the day of the event and work toward the solution to claim prizes worth $1500. The teams of 2-4 data scientists (aspiring students and accomplished professionals) will be presented with the Kaggle style predictive analytics problem statement. The teams are required to build a predictive analytics model using training dataset and submit the predicted value for test dataset. At the end of the day, the teams will present their final models and the solution approach. A panel of judges will rank the teams on their work for accuracy and explainability. Everyone is welcomed to attend the Keynote speech delivered by our esteemed guest speaker. Those who are not participating in competition can take part in the Workshop: Introduction to Data Science with Kaggle. We are also hosting industry experts on the panel session to talk about recent advances & challenges in the field of Natural Language Processing. Those who are interested can also observe the team presentation to learn about different problem-solving approaches used by data scientists. For more Information, please visit our Website and you can register on EventBrite

Date: 03/16/2019
Location: Cambridge Innovation Center (CIC) 245 Main Street, 2nd floor Cambridge, MA 02142
Time: 9 AM

Organized By: IIT AGNE

Cost: $5 -$20

Contact: Bala Balasubramanian

Web: www.iitagne.org
Email: events@iitagne.org

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