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Trinity of Trilateral: Disrupting the Paradigm
The relationship between these three World Titans has changed in last few decades. Modi-Xi-Trump are considered to among the most powerful and influential leaders of our time. By 2030 it is estimated that China GDP would be $35T, USA would be $32T and India would be $10T; making them the top three economies in the world. This conference would discuss some of critical issues pertaining to the emergent relationship between these countries.

The focus of 3rd IndiaGlobal Summit be on the key issue of how this trinity of the trilateral would shape our world in times to come. 3rd IndiaGlobal Summit is cohosted by Boston Vichar Manch. The event is hosted at iconic and most prestigious MIT Campus in Boston. MIT is home to some of the most amazing and brilliants thoughts known to human race.

Key Themes: The one-day summit will witness participation of thought leaders, policy makers, experts and industry leaders from across the world to discuss and deliberate upon various issues:

Role of India in trade relations between India, US and China
The emerging superpowers - How they shall shoulder the responsibilities?
Cultural and Economic Unity
World's perception about these superpowers
Teaching the next billion people in India, China and USA
Technological issues

Date: 10/29/2018
Location: MIT
Time: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm

Cost: Free

Web: http://www.indiaglobal.org/third-indiaglobal-summit-boston.html

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