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Bangla O Biswa Durga Puja 2018
Bangla-O-Biswa (BoB), a 36-year-old non-profit organization based out of Greater Boston will be celebrating Durga Puja on 13-14 October 2018 at Wellesley High School (50 Rice St, Wellesley Hills, MA). We cordially invite you and your family to join us for this celebration. For the length of 2 days, the school cafeteria will become the abode of our benevolent Ma Durga and with flowers, prayers and music we will seek the blessings of the motherly power behind all life and creation. For the ethnic food aficionados there will be a delectable offering of dishes (both veg and non-veg) that will soothe the taste buds and bring to mind memories of those serene afternoons spent licking the last bits of a delicious home cooked mutton/fish curry. Breaking through this haze of food nostalgia will be an array of electrifying performances by local artists who will give their own interpretation of this yearly Shakta tradition of celebrating the good Goddess Parvati defeating all evil – within and around. The culturally inclined and those seeking a window into the latest indigenous talents and emerging musical trends will be pleased to hear that this year we have renowned vocalist – Soumyajit (student of Pt Ajay Chakraborty) partnering with Sourendro (student of Ustad Vilayat Khan) creating a musical journey on Sat (Oct 13) that traverses the vast and varied terrains of Bengal. In our bid to end on a high this will be followed by National-award winner Iman Chakraborty performing on Sun (Oct 14), her chart-bursting number from 2017 “tumi jake bhalobasho” still fresh on our lips and mind. BoB welcomes all to be a part of this cultural extravaganza. Please mark your calendars and help us spread the word to everyone interested in attending this grand festivity.

Date: 10/13/2018
Location: Wellesley High School, 50 Rice St, Wellesley Hills, MA
Time: 10/13-14

Web: http://www.banglabiswa.org/

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