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SundarKand Paath
PLEASE MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR FRIDAY JUNE 22 2018(FRIDAY) FOR SPECIAL RECITAL OF THE GLORIOUS SUNDERKAND AT RADHA KRISHNA MANDIR, NORTHBOROUGH, MA 01532. Live chanting with World-known Shri Ashwin Pathak. 7PM: SunderKand MahaPrasdam after MahaAarti. SPONSOR AARTI Free to All - we welcome you to contribute and sponsor the special Aarti offering after the SunderKand. Sundara Kanda (Sundara Kāṇḍa), literally “beautiful episode/book”, is the fifth book in the Hindu epic the Ramayana. It depicts the adventures of Hanuman Ji. The original Sundara Kanda is in Sanskrit and was composed by Valmiki, who was the first to scripturally record the Ramayana. Sundara Kanda is the only chapter of the Ramayana in which the hero is not Rama, but rather HanumanJi. HanumanJi’s selflessness, strength, and devotion to Rama are emphasized in the text. HanumanJi was fondly called Sundara by his mother Anjani and Sage Valmiki chose this name over others as this kand deals mainly with HanumanJi’s journey to Lanka.

Date: 06/22/2018
Location: Radha Krishna Mandir 155 Otis Street, Northborough, MA 01532
Time: 7:00 PM

Organized By: Sri Radha Krishna Mandir, Centeral MA

Cost: Voluntary Donation

Contact: Pankaj Adaval/Neha Patel

Web: www.NewBhaktiMandir.org
Email: Radhakrishnagurukul@gmail.com
Directions: Near to Walmart Nortborogh

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