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World Hindu Congress 2018
When people come together on a shared platform for a shared purpose, inspired by shared values, only good things happen. But such opportunities for Hindus, specifically, have been few and far between. The World Hindu Congress seeks to change that.

The World Hindu Congress is a global platform for Hindus to connect, share ideas, inspire one another, and impact the common good. Held once every four years, WHC’s seven parallel conferences showcase how the values, creativity, and entrepreneurial spirit of the global Hindu community find expression in a variety of spheres, including economic, education, media, organizational, and political, as well as the unique leadership and contributions of Hindu women and youth. Interactive sessions offer space to deliberate the challenges and opportunities facing Hindu communities across the globe, and seek tangible solutions for the progress and prosperity of Hindus and the betterment of humanity and the world.

Date: 09/07/2018
Location: Westin Hotel, 70 Yorktown Shopping Center, Lombard (Chicago), IL
Time: 9/7-9/9

Web: http://www.worldhinducongress.org/

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