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Shadaj: Manjiri Asanare-Kelkar
Concert (Hindustani Classical Vocal) by
Manjiri Asanare Kelkar (Vocal)
Sanjay Deshpande (Tabla)
Suyog Kundalkar (Harmonium)

Manjiri Asanare Kelkar is a well known hindustani classical vocalist in the Jaipur-Atrauli gharana. She studied the Jaipur gayaki under the tutelage of Pandit Appa Kanetkar a disciple of Ustad Bhurji Khan. Later she became a disciple of the legendary Ganasaraswati Kishori Amonkar. Hailed as the next 'Kesarbai' when she first burst on to the music circuit, Manjiri has performed all over the world at all major venues such as Sawai Gandharva, Dovel Lane, ITC, Harwallabh, Shankarlal, Nomad, Darbar festival to name a few.​

Date: 09/29/2018
Location: First Parish Church, 349 Boston Post Rd, Weston, MA
Time: 6:00 pm

Cost: $30

Contact: Phone: +1-781-605-9399

Web: www.shadaj.org
Email: shadajmusic@yahoo.com

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