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CMB 2018 Devi Shakthi Retreat
CMB 2018 Devi Shakthi Retreat presided by Acharya Dr. Shashi Dwarakanath 1 Union Street, Andover, MA 01810 Event Timing: Check-in:January 19th, 2018 6 PM -7 PM Check-out: January 20th, 2018 4 PM Snow Date: Check-in: March 9th, 2018 6 PM Check-out: March 10th, 2018 4 PM (Overnight Camp) Cost: $60 Event participation eligibility: 19 years and older. ******************************Theme****************************** Welcome hOMe Session 1 ------------------ Balancing act - Are we playing our roles well? Session 2 ---------------- Drop off & Pick up - What do we need to DROP OFF / PICK UP? Session 3 ------------------ Time Out - Have we taken enough time out for ourselves? *****************************************************************

Date: 01/19/2018
Location: Chinmaya Maruti, 1 Union St., Andover, MA
Time: 1/9-1/20

Cost: $60

Contact: Chitra Sundaram- (978) 604 8508

Web: https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#inbox/1605bfae55d700a5

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