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Glimpse of Indian Mathematics
MIT Samskritam & Samskrita Bharati
Welcome you to a lecture on

Glimpse of Indian Mathematics
Sutra style to Paragon of Poetry: Pingala to Nityananda

Prof. K. Ramasubramanian

India is a multilingual country with dozens of languages spoken by millions of people. However, it is remarkable that majority of the literature, scientific or otherwise, has been composed in Sanskrit. Was it a deliberate choice or was it by compulsion? Commencing with this question, the speaker will highlight how the astronomers and mathematicians, found several ingenious ways to represent numbers, variables, equations etc. in order to weave them into their literary composition by drawing a select few examples from the works of Pingala (prior to 3rd century BCE) to Nityananda (17th century CE). The lecture will also take a note of the gradual migration of the style of composition from terse sutra style to paragon of poetry.

Prof. K. Ramasubramanian is at IIT Mumbai in the Cell for Indian Science and Technology in Sanskrit, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences. He holds a doctorate in Theoretical Physics, Bachelors in Engineering, and Masters in Samskritam. His research interests include Indian Science and Technology and other disciplines such as Indian Logic and Philosophy.

Date: 08/13/2017
Location: Venue: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Building: E51, Room: 145
Time: 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm

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