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Stress Mgmt & Om Meditation in Satsang Center
It would be NICE if you would join for all 4 days: July 29th - 30th and Aug 5th & 6th from 9 AM to 12 noon.
To REGISTER: plz e-mail or Call to confirm:
Harshalbhai (510) 305-5392, CK 781- 552-9652 Sudhir 603-661-7101
Nirusudhir22@yahoo.com Youtube.com/nirusudhir
Here are PREPARATIONS: Please Bring with U:
1. Semi- Hard, Small square Pillow as Cushion while doing YOGA Sukhasana / Padmasana. This pillow is normally used for Sofa.
2. Towel or Small Blanket which can be rolled up.
3. Loose Comfortable Clothing.
4. If you are taking any Medication …..
5. Yoga Met or Small blanket .
6. Light BREAKFAST by 7 AM.
7. If U have not registered yet, come there by 8:30 AM and either e-mail.your forms or bring with you with your check.
8. Being first day, please come earlier by about 15 minutes.
9. Lively Cheerful attitude.
11. If U are diabetic & in HypoGlycemic situation, if U take something special, plz bring it with you. We will have some Glucose Biscuit and Lemon + Sugar Water.
12. Notebook and Pen for taking notes.
13. If U have computer Notebook and/or Portable External Drive of minimum 2 GB up to 32 GB for downloading Program.

Date: 08/06/2017
Location: SATSANG Center 1 Pleasant st. WOBURN MA 01801
Time: 9:00 am

Organized By: SATSANG Center

Cost: Suggested Voluntary Contribution $101/-

Contact: Sudhir 603-661-7101 / 603-623-1930 CK 781-272-4591, Harshal 510-306-9652

Web: satsangcenter.com
Email: satsangcenter1@yahoo.com, nirusudhir22@yahoo.com

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